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My basic philosophy has always been to source the highest quality grapes available; monitor each distinct vintage carefully through every unique growing season; employ the simplest of old-world winemaking processes and styles; and let the unique terroir express the purest interpretation of the vineyard. This approach has served me and my wines well during my winemaking career.

My love for wine started at a relatively early age for a kid raised in suburban California. I enjoyed the depth and diversity of wine and how, in a social setting, it always seemed to bring the best out in people. There is no greater joy for me than sharing a bottle of wine with friends, while discussing its overall characteristics and components. It was these experiences from which my wine style preferences evolved.

I started making wine at my home, after interning with a winery in Calistoga for a few summers. During my internship I learned the basics of how grapes ripen and how a balance of sugar, acidity and tannin is achieved. So much of the outcome of a great wine comes from the painstaking time put into observing, tasting and analyzing the grapes as they mature in the vineyard. This experience along with gentle handling from harvest to fermentation, pressing, racking, and finally bottling, allow me to make a truly distinctive wine.

I have let the influence of European wines, especially the French, be my guide. I try to achieve a balance of structure, complexity and style in my wines, while remaining true to the basic characteristics of the grape variety. My heart goes into winemaking, and I hope my passion for it shows in my wines.

-Greg Tucker